Astrology Reading & Forecast
A birth chart reading looks at the major aspects of your life, communication, relationships, love, career, health and more. This will offer ways to improve on challenging patterns and how to prepare for your year ahead.
These readings provide valuable insights into what you can expect over the coming months. These readings will cover a broad range of topics, including several of the following areas; love, family, career, health and finances. The nature of each reading will differ depending on the astrological transits that are currently activating your own personal horoscope.
During this 60-90 minute session, we will discuss many astrological aspects related to your year ahead. Think of it as session to gain awareness of highlighted energies and focuses to come. This includes transits, eclipses and more! This is a great Session to get if you have already looked into your birth natal chart and are looking to follow up and explore your chart in even more detail with a focus on what’s happening and what is to come.
we have worked with and assisted many on their healing journey. We can't wait to assist you with yours.
Metaphysical Minsters